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La galerie des avis des stagiaires.
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Well, I'm one of the lucky ones who didn't just spend a week or two at the Schmulb workshop - I started the professional course (800 hours) in March. Unfortunately time flies and I'm now approaching the end! What a fantastic time. The quality of the method has amazed and impressed me all the way through - and the best thing is, it's my new job!!
Yippeee! I'm delighted to have made the choice I made, and to be starting a whole new creative (ad)venture with the Schmulb studio. The quality of Jean Marc's technique and teaching, in the finest details from the drawing to the finishing touches, (you make fun of me about working for the Nasa - but I chose the right teacher!) his ability to make it all enjoyable,
his capacity to put up with me and the other long-term trainees' moments of loud music, dancing and excessive laughter in the workshop, and to make us feel at home, have made the experience a real pleasure. Beyond the course itself, I can't thank you enough Jean Marc & Sylvie for your kindness, and all the laughs, apéritifs (!) & meals in the garden, and moments of friendship we've shared.
It's actually very difficult to put into a few words such a rich and intense period!
But hey, you haven't seen the last of me yet! This is just the beginning, I'll be coming back to the workshop for the more, i know you have many more and harder techniques for me to learn! Besides all the times I'll be phoning you in panic when the legs of my tables are all wobbly.
I look forward to sharing with you the next part of the adventure - my own company. And I'll be proud to tell all of Correze - and the North of England - that it's Mr. Schmulb who taught me.
Keep up the good work! Your frenglish pupil, Kate.